

Celebrate Veteran's Day! Fly your flag for them.

I was paging through an old Reader's Digest from November '16. Under their regular feature, Humor in Uniform, was the subtitle; A SALUTE TO THE FUNNIEST MILITARY MOVIE QUOTES. One was - "STRIPES (1981) John Winger: We're all very different.

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Vote Justice Daniel Kelly for Wisconsin Supreme Court

Elections matter! Next year, Wisconsin will be asked to elect a Supreme Court justice in our Spring elections. Only one of the candidates vows to stand for the rule of law.

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Happy Veteran's Day and God Bless Those Who Serve!

Last year I had the great honor to serve as ‘Guardian’ for my Dad’s Badger Honor Flight to Washington D.C.

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Minneapolis Mayor bills wrong party

The big news in the main street media recently was that Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey had sent a bill for $530,000 to the Trump campaign to cover the extra security costs for the President’s October 10th visit to the Target Center in Minneapolis.

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Protecting Constitutional Rights

In an executive order this week, Governor Evers called the Wisconsin State Legislature into a special session on gun control on November 7. The following is the statement that I released to the media in response to his executive order.

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Brilliant Explanation for Article V Convention

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This explains why Socialism won't work, and always fails

An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class.

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GOV Evers changes Columbus Day

On October 8th Governor Tony Evers signed Executive Order #50 “Relating to Declaring Indigenous Peoples Day” which declared the second Monday in October to be the Indigenous Peoples Day in Wisconsin.

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