Black Jobs

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Black Jobs

August 04, 2024 - 11:42
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While at the August 31st, National Association of Black Journalists, former President Trump was asked, "What are Black jobs?".

In February 2021, McKinsey and Company put out a report. (McKinsey is a multinational consulting firm.) "Our analysis found that 45 percent of Black private-sector workers (approximately 6.7 million people) work in three industries that have a large frontline-service presence: healthcare, retail, and accommodation and food service. These industries also have some of the highest shares of workers making less than $30,000. In retail, 73 percent of Black workers fall into this category; in accommodations and food service, that share is 84 percent."

Why do these Blacks have these jobs in the first place? Public education; where teachers are given raises for years [in service] instead of merit and unions that protect them. Go ahead, name one professional sport that does not place the BEST talent (merit) - that they can hire- in the contest.

Trump had stated that the immigrants had been taking Black jobs. Common sense would seem to indicate that immigrants would fall into this category. They cannot get a government job. They don't have a union card, so they can't go on a construction job or work on a sea coast unloading / loading ships or work in a union shop factory.

Not only are they taking Black jobs, they're moving into black neighborhoods and causing the price of food to go higher and rent to go higher. Open borders are bad for Black Americans.

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