

You Are Being Lied To

That's right, I said it: You Are Being Lied To!

The destructively diabolical Democrats are lying to you all day, every day about Project 2025. Don't be naive enough to fall for their lies.

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What This Election is Really About

Kamala's campaign, the news media, and the Democrat Party (but I repeat myself) are trying to make this election about their fantasies of a utopia where everybody gets everything they dream of with no consequences.

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The most important election of our lifetimes

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A Public Accounting of the Biden-Harris Border Policy, Including 85,000 Missing Migrant Children

This month, Senator Ron Johnson participated in a two-part roundtable highlighting how the Biden-Harris administration's open border policies have led to the exploitation of as many as 85,000 missing migrant children, endangerment of Americans, an

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Biden-Harris Plan Creates Open Border

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Baldwin Thinks We Spend TOO MUCH on Protecting our Border

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Army of Leftist Radicals in Wisconsin

Kamala wants to win Wisconsin BADLY

An army of over 1,000 Leftist radicals is descending on Wisconsin this weekend for Kamala Harris and Tammy Baldwin in the largest Democrat voter turnout campaign of 2024.

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Why is the Biden-Harris Administration Stonewalling?

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