WILL Stands Up for Girls' Sports

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WILL Stands Up for Girls' Sports

September 04, 2024 - 20:45
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Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) has filed an amicus brief in the US Supreme Court case, West Virginia v. B.P.J. on behalf of the Empowered Community Coalition, comprised of over 100 parents with school-aged children in the Elkhorn Area School District. WILL has asked the Court to take the case and clarify that state laws separating sports by sex are permissible under federal law and consistent with the original intent of Title IX.

“As an attorney, a mom, and a former college athlete, it is inspiring to represent parents who are advocating to ensure that women and girls today have every opportunity to thrive in sports, as Title IX originally intended,” WILL Education Counsel, Cory Brewer, stated. “The U.S. Supreme Court now has a critical chance to reaffirm these protections and preserve the integrity of girls’ sports for future generations.”

This case presents an opportunity for our nation’s highest court to settle this Title IX issue once and for all. “Gender identity” should not play a role in sports. Women and girls deserve an equal playing field, and allowing biological men into their competitions is deeply unfair.

Read more HERE.

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