Celebrating God's plan for fathers

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Celebrating God's plan for fathers

June 08, 2024 - 15:00
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“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.”
– Exodus 20:12

It’s undeniable – men being present and involved both in the home as fathers and in the communities has a significant influence on all our lives. More importantly, God ordained families to be the marriage of one biological man and one biological woman who can be fruitful and multiply naturally or by adoption.

Celebrating God’s plan for fathers is crucial if we want to see more men step into their God-given role in their home and community. At Wisconsin Family Action, we intend to lead the way in celebrating fathers.

For the month of June, we’re on a mission to raise $15,000 in honor of dads, building off of what we raised in May to honor mothers. We feel a strong calling to fight for traditional families in Wisconsin, but we can't continue to do so without adequate funding. We want to take full advantage of the generous flash match we have been offered for May and June, which will double all of the donations we recieve up to $20,000! What a blessing!

God has given fathers a key role in the strength of families, faith, and culture. When dads know how to stand in and leverage the strength that God has given them, powerful positive change happens — not toxic masculinity, contrary to our current culture's belief system.

Financially supporting Wisconsin Family Action in honor of your father is believing in, investing in, and furthering not only the strength of fathers, but also all that God has called them to be.

Additionally, when you give in your father or grandfather's honor, you will have the opportunity to leave a thankful thought or memory in the comment section which we will share on social media with a first name, as a way to give public praise to the man who raised you.

Let’s celebrate our fathers. Will you join us? CLICK HERE to contribute today!

[EDITOR'S NOTE: I typically pass up on articles that are direct fundraising messages but I made an exception for this one due to the outstanding traditional American values that are represented in their request for donations.]

There is 1 Comment

Hogwash! It takes a Father who cares and it helps if he is in the home. Anyone can be a father, but it takes a man with character and selfless dedication and some luck. But that luck will not happen if Dad is not involved.

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