March 2018

21st Century Solutions for School Safety

March 17, 2018 - 08:13

Stay up-to-date with our campaign at


Since the tragedy in Florida I’ve been praying about what can be done to ensure the safety of our own community. It breaks my heart to think about the parents who are burying their children and I pray for them every day. The answer that keeps coming back to me is to get off my knees and become part of the solution.

Will Leftists Ever Learn?

March 15, 2018 - 13:54

I am a student of history and I have been all my life. I have recently enjoyed the magnificent book by our local author Don Gaunky (See the link to this book provided on the right side panel of who provides a very detailed slice of history in his life while serving as an escort for a deceased soldier (his own brother) in a time of war. Please check that out if you have not already. I promise you will be a better person after reading it.