

Life on the Line

"Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die.
Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."
– Proverbs 31:8-9

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Digging Deeper on SAVE ACT (HR 8281)

Representative Derrick Van Orden (R- WI, 3 rd ) reported a couple of weeks ago that he had voted for H.R. 8281 – the SAVE Act to amend the National Voter Registration Act to assure that only citizens vote in federal elections.

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​​​ Announces Launch of ​CouleeConservatives Weekly Recap Podcast​ announced the launch of a new conservative podcast on the Internet. “CouleeConservatives Weekly Recap”, is currently available on Spotify with plans to branch out to other platforms such as iHeart Radio and Apple.

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Invoke the 25th Amendment

Yesterday, I called on United States Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the 25th amendment and remove President Joe Biden from office following the President’s irrefutable cognitive decline.

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Is There Magic in Milwaukee?

Reports from my friends who were on the floor serving as delegates at the RNC in Milwaukee confirm a feeling that I am sensing from home watching the events remotely: there is _real_ unity happening in America.

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JD Vance Brings Intelligence and Integrity

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It will all come down to us

Fellow Conservatives, Wisconsin is the definition of a Purple State.

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Senate District 32 Needs a Financial Expert

Stacey Klein works in finance as a profession and deserves your vote this Fall. Here’s why:

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