​​CouleeConservatives.com​ Announces Launch of ​CouleeConservatives Weekly Recap Podcast​

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​​CouleeConservatives.com​ Announces Launch of ​CouleeConservatives Weekly Recap Podcast​

July 24, 2024 - 06:54
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CouleeConservatives.com announced the launch of a new conservative podcast on the Internet. “CouleeConservatives Weekly Recap”, is currently available on Spotify with plans to branch out to other platforms such as iHeart Radio and Apple. The team is excited to provide a conservative perspective on local, state and national news to balance the liberal viewpoints that flood the region.

The mission statement of CouleeConservatives.com is ‘Dedicated to spreading traditional American values one story at a time’ with a subtitle of ‘Giving you all natural American ideas with no additives or preservatives.'

Many of my friends have been complaining for months that there aren’t enough conservative alternatives to all the liberal viewpoints here in the Coulee Region, so I started the web site during the height of the Tea Party Revolution in 2009 and now I decided it was time for CouleeConservatives to dive into podcasting and help deliver some balance.

CouleeConservatives operates as a First Amendment sanctuary where volunteers peaceably assemble to discuss the news of the day, write opinion articles to spread traditional American values, and encourage conservative political candidates.

We’re a group of patriotic Americans who want to pass the torch of Liberty to our posterity. We have completed a couple weeks of episodes, and we’ll continue to grow and improve in our experience, and we look forward to feedback from listeners.

Check it out at Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chris69162

There is 1 Comment

It is so refreshing when we have a pro-Constitution voice! People ask me why America is special and after pondering that for many years, I have come up with many reasons, but the top reason by a huge amount is America's Constitution! And that is what I love about Coulee Conservatives, they are not in this for fame or ego, they want to pass on the opportunity for all people that past Americans have had. We will maintain our Liberty and Justice for All when we abide by our Constitution.

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