Invoke the 25th Amendment

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Invoke the 25th Amendment

July 23, 2024 - 06:31
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Yesterday, I called on United States Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the 25th amendment and remove President Joe Biden from office following the President’s irrefutable cognitive decline. I authored a letter directly to Vice President Harris demanding she exercise her duty for the sake of national and global stability.

We cannot have a Commander in Chief in charge of the nuclear codes who is experiencing the level of cognitive decline that we see in President Biden. In order to restore Americans and our allies’ trust in the United States government, I have requested that Vice President Harris exercise Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to declare that President Biden is unable to discharge the powers and duties required of him as president. The world looks to the United States for leadership and strength, and we cannot reassure the American people or our global partners of this until President Biden is removed from office.

To read the full letter, click here.

In addition to the letter to Vice President Harris, I signed onto H.Res. 1336, which calls on the Vice President to activate Section 4 of the 25th Amendment to declare President Biden incapable of exercising his duties as President of the United States. Read the resolution here.

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