September 2024

Broadband in Monroe County

September 14, 2024 - 11:30

Broadband became a hot topic in Monroe County at the beginning of this decade when, because of the Covid pandemic, schools were practicing virtual or online learning. Many students either didn’t have connectivity, had insufficient connectivity, or had frequent involuntarily disconnections. It was hard, even impossible, to learn online with an inadequate or no internet service. Students were even faulted for disconnecting from class. Concurrently, there were farms and possibly other home-based businesses that took priority on the internet over students’ studies.

You Are Being Lied To

September 14, 2024 - 11:29

That's right, I said it: You Are Being Lied To!

The destructively diabolical Democrats are lying to you all day, every day about Project 2025. Don't be naive enough to fall for their lies.

Their ads proclaim that the ideas in Project 2025 are a dangerous threat to democracy but they never give you specific examples do they? I took the time to read through the document for myself and here's what I found. If Democrats truly believe these ideas will threaten our democracy then they sure have funny definitions for 'threaten' and 'democracy.' **

What This Election is Really About

September 14, 2024 - 11:28

Kamala's campaign, the news media, and the Democrat Party (but I repeat myself) are trying to make this election about their fantasies of a utopia where everybody gets everything they dream of with no consequences. They make flowery speeches, utilize focus group approved phrases, and speak words of joy and happiness and all sorts of fake Holywood-esque B.S. but the reality on the ground is far different. Democrats are obsessed with their hatred of Trump and expect us to abandon our traditional American principles because they hate those too.

Open Letter to Minnesota Governor Tim Walz

September 13, 2024 - 16:19

To Governor Tim Walz:

The Office of the Vice President is a position that requires the trust of the American people and a solemn commitment to duty on behalf of the United States of America. As veterans who have served our nation, we feel compelled to address your egregious misrepresentations and urge you to come clean to the American people.

Blistering House GOP Report on Afghanistan Withdrawal Concludes Biden Ignored Advisors, Lied to America

September 13, 2024 - 16:13

The House Foreign Affairs Committee’s more than two-year investigation into the deadly Afghanistan withdrawal orchestrated by Biden-Harris was released in part Sunday, and the conclusions are devastating. The president was hellbent on getting American troops out at any cost, ignored his own advisors, lied to the public, and took highly dangerous—and highly unacceptable—risks. The full report is expected Monday.
