

Webster – Mistaken Identity?

Recently someone commented that the pseudonym of Webster that one of our contributors uses was based on the 1980's sitcom by the same name.

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Treating Life Like a Roulette Wheel

To those who believe that "gun violence will catch up with us all," if you want to worry about our lives on a roulette wheel, check out NASA's article on the

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The Courage to do What is Right

Following is the note a friend received from Representative Sean Duffy

Message from Rep Sean Duffy:

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historic rainy day fund

The historic rainy day fund is about to get even larger thanks to the positive impact of our Republican reforms. The Legislative Fiscal Bureau (LFB) released the preliminary 2018-19 general fund tax collections.

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What should we do about LT Governor Barnes?

Now that LT Governor Barnes has been in office for more than six months we are learning more about him, his character and his integrity; and it is probably time that the citizens of Wisconsin consider some appropriate action.

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Senator Shilling & Bipartisanship Rhetoric

Some four or five months ago I attended a breakfast where La Crosse’s State Senator Jennifer Shilling (D-32), the State Senate Minority Leader, shared some encouraging words on the need for bipartisanship in the Wisconsin Legislature.

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Common Sense Gun Laws

For several years I have been calling for common sense gun laws. In all these years my common-sense proposals have fallen on deaf ears by politicians who are afraid of what the fake news will say about them if they support my proposals.

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What does liberty and freedom mean to you?

Governor Evers has called for universal background checks on all gun transactions. That means that in order for it to work, the government will need to know who owns all guns and where they live, where the guns are stored and what type they are.

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