Pro-life Opportunity of a Lifetime

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Pro-life Opportunity of a Lifetime

June 13, 2020 - 10:29
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The 2016 election was a pivotal moment for the pro-life movement. America elected the most pro-life president in our history. Pro-life voices are finally being listened to, but much work still needs to be done.

Shortly after getting into office, President Trump prohibited the spending of American tax dollars on abortion abroad with the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance program. He repealed President Obama’s federal guidance that forced states to send Medicaid funds to PlannedParenthood, our country’s largest abortion provider. Trump also issued the Protect Life Rule which makes abortion providers ineligible to receive federal funds for family planning programs under Title X. Furthermore, his appointments in our federal agencies and the Supreme Court are committed to protecting life at all stages, as our laws should require.

The 2020 election will be another defining moment for the pro-life movement. We cannot lose the ground we have gained and must keep up the good fight for our country’s most vulnerable. With the incredible progress we have seen over the last few years, we have also seen where the abortion industry and its activists want to take us. Their actions show that they are not truly advocates for choice or women’s health, but rather for expanding abortion at all human costs.

In New York last year, Governor Cuomo signed the so-called “Reproductive Health Act” into law, eliminating restrictions on late-term abortions and protections for infants who survive abortion. The murder of children in the womb is a disgrace. To then allow a baby born after a botched abortion to die by denying him or her proper medical care is barbaric--it’s called infanticide. Many claim late-term abortions are never wanted and only occur if “medically necessary.” I would ask them why, then, was the Twin Towers memorial lit up pink in “celebration” of this law? Why are we celebrating death and not life?

Virginia passed a similar law this year, and pro-abortion activists won’t rest until taxpayers fully fund abortion-on-demand with no exceptions. The work ahead for the pro-life movement has been cut out for us.

Shortly after the passage of the New York bill, U.S. House Republicans introduced a petition to bring to the floor the Born-Alive Abortion Survivor Protection Act. This bill would ensure that babies who survive abortion are guaranteed life-saving medical treatment, and could not be left to die simply because they are deemed “undesireable.”

Since Speaker Pelosi refuses to allow a vote on this bill, the petition needs 218 signatures to override her decision. It currently has 204 signatures, only 3 of which are Democrats. Congressman Ron Kind is not one; he is not willing to take a stand for the most defenseless members of our society. The bill would do nothing to limit abortion, yet according to the abortion industry, it would interfere with women’s freedom and so-called “choice.” This sheds light on the morally depraved goals of the abortion industry and the power grip it has on so many members of Congress. They cannot even pass a bill to end the infanticide of abortion survivors.

Believe it or not, this is a fight in our own state. Wisconsin’s Democratic representatives and governor do not support providing life-saving care to babies born alive during an abortion attempt. Wisconsin’s Born Alive Protection Act mirrors the federal Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Although Wisconsin has multiple laws protecting infants, this legislation would help update a few pieces of life-saving language that were not included in previous bills. Republicans passed this bill without any votes of support from Democrats, and was then unfortunately vetoed by Democrat Governor Evers. This should in no way be a controversial or partisan bill, but the Democrat Party has become the party of abortion extremism. The Republican Party is the pro-life party.

We cannot have abortion extremists lead our country into a new era where precious lives are further devalued and destroyed. Pro-lifers must continue pushing for all life to be equally protected under the law from conception until natural death. This is why it is essential to vote for pro-life candidates all the way down the ballot in 2020.

Unlike current Congressman Ron Kind, I will take a stand for the most defenseless members of our society. The unborn do not have a voice. But I do, and I will use it to fight for them.

Editor's Note: Jessi Ebben is a Republican candidate in Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District and a public relations professional from Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

There is 1 Comment

How is it that a civilized society continues to kill babies, and many look the other way when it happens. It is time that we point out to people that when you look the other way, it makes you an evil, gutless hypocrite. It is time to stand up, and let all people pursue, Life, Liberty, and Happiness.

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