The politicized Biden Department of Justice has sunk to a new low...

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The politicized Biden Department of Justice has sunk to a new low...

June 29, 2024 - 09:39
Posted in:

...they have asked a federal court to allow them to rewrite the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to protect Joe Biden by withholding audio recordings from Judicial Watch of the president's interviews in Special Counsel Hur's criminal investigation of Biden's theft and disclosure of classified records!

We filed our first FOIA lawsuit seeking the release of these audio recordings back in March.

We believe the American people have every right to hear the president explain to investigators how and why he removed classified vice presidential records from the White House in 2017 and stored them in unsecured locations... offense for which he received a slap on the wrist, but for which the same Justice Department raided Donald Trump's Florida home, indicted him, and is now preparing to try him in federal court!

Our lawsuit has already made a huge forced the Biden administration to confess that the transcripts they released of the audio recordings have been altered and are not accurate.

But we are not done yet...and that's why I urge you to support us with a special contribution today.

Last week we asked a federal court to reject this politically-driven effort to rewrite FOIA and not let the American people make their own judgment about President Biden's defense of his actions and his fitness for office.

We are digging in, and we will fight to defend FOIA and the American people's "right to know" for as long as we have to...

…but protracted lawsuits against the federal government come with very real costs attached!

Every day Judicial Watch is doing the vital work of using the legal system and the courts to force the release of public records that the American people have a right to see...and hear!

We will not stand by and let the corrupt Justice Department gut FOIA...the single best tool for holding government and government officials accountable...for the sole purpose of protecting Joe Biden in this election year.

Thanks to the support of Americans in every state of the union, Judicial Watch is America's most effective organization fighting for the rule of law and for accountability in government...and our work has never been more important than it is today.

I would be very grateful if you can help us at this critical time with a special gift today!

And I can assure you that all of us on the Judicial Watch team will work hard every day to honor your trust in us and our mission!

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