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When Appeals Court Chief Judge Lisa Neubauer announced that she was going to be a candidate for the Wisconsin State Supreme Court to replace retiring Justice Shirley Abrahamson she must have thought she was sounding like a breath of fresh air!
Read moreTerm limits for elected office holders, primarily members of the House of Representatives and the Senate in Washington, has been a hot topic issue from time to time.
Read moreChildren's author, Hans Christian Andersen, wrote The Emperor's New Clothes. It tells how a couple of unscrupulous tailors convinced the emperor that they could spin such a fine fabric that could be seen by only advanced people.
Read moreI call on the FBI and the Justice Department to initiate an investigation to determine if Congressman Ron Kind committed an act of sedition against the United States when he called on members of the Central Intelligence Agency to violate the law a
Read moreEarlier tonight, Steve Toft faced off with career politician Ron Kind in their first and only debate, winning decisively.
Read moreWhile he was a good person, and a war hero, he has been very destructive to my America. He was never a Conservative (something that is critical to the survival of America) although he made many contributions.
Read moreA recent analysis of Ron Kind’s political contributions has revealed that he is heavily dependent on money from outside the district, especially from the DC metro area.
Read more“Gerrymandering plaintiffs unanimously rejected” was the headline on a La Crosse Tribune paper a week or more ago. The sub-headline read “U.S.
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