

The Pit of Moral Decay (Warning: Explicit Material)

I hope every tax payer who sees this story from my friends at MacIver will find out if their local tax dollars are being used in this manner and do something to put a stop t

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The Wisdom of Eisenhower

There are not a lot of reasons that the wisdom of General of the Army and 34th President of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower needs to be discussed. There have been volumes written about the man.

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Every Day Heroes All Around Us

I was on my way to Luther High School to assist with a small project when I saw a large plume of smoke rising up into the sky about a block away from the school.

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Fire, Ready, Aim

Ever since the November election in which Donald Trump handily defeated Hillary Clinton with 304 electoral votes our nation has been forced to witness constant protests from the Democrat side of the aisle.

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Happy Birthday President Reagan!

Patriotic Americans around the nation celebrated the birthday of President Ronald Reagan on February 6, 2017. In La Crosse, approximately a dozen friends gathered at Freighthouse to participate in a tradition that started several years ago.

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La Crosse County Workshop Regarding PRAT

Supervisors of the La Crosse County Board held a workshop led by Board President, Tara Johnson, to discuss the Premiere Resort Area Tax that they are considering as a way to pay for infrastructure expenses.

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The Melting Pot

America has always been a melting pot of ideas. Notice I stated "ideas" and not race. While there are many racial differences within our borders it is our ideas that truly differentiate us.

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