

It is time for a change in Madison

To quote Representative Steve Doyle, he says that for far too long the politicians in Madison have created gridlock and refused to talk with each other.

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Trump-Kennedy Unity Party

On Friday, AUG 23, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his campaign and endorsed President Trump.

The following are excerpts from Kennedy’s Press Release:

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Wisconsin's Third Congressional District

As I write this it is 8/26/24, the 3rd Anniversary of the loss of 13 service members during the withdrawal from Afghanistan.  I was just coming from a breakfast, honoring veterans, at the Dorset Valley Schoolhouse restaurant.  (It is a free breakf

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Wisconsin Election Integrity

This week we have several announcements we wanted to share with you.

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Joyfully Exhausted

As I’m typing this I have just returned from the Trump town hall in La Crosse where I volunteered to help with the event. I arrived at about 7:20am and, as I type this, it is now 9:57pm. What an incredibly exhausting but so worth it day!

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Deceptive “Push Polls” Appear Again in Western Wisconsin

The practice of deceptive “push polling” has once again appeared in western Wisconsin, in the familiar spot of the state Assembly race between Steve Doyle and me.

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