Joyfully Exhausted

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Joyfully Exhausted

August 29, 2024 - 22:34
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As I’m typing this I have just returned from the Trump town hall in La Crosse where I volunteered to help with the event. I arrived at about 7:20am and, as I type this, it is now 9:57pm. What an incredibly exhausting but so worth it day!

If you were at the event then you may have heard me call out instructions like, “Head toward the U-Haul and look for the end of the line. Thanks for being here today!”

The Trump campaign team assigned me to the exterior group of volunteers who were charged with helping make sure the flow of people was safe and efficient. I’m so proud of the thoughtful caring they put into the logistics to make sure thousands of people were safely able to navigate through the streets of La Crosse and attend the event all free of charge.

I was joined by other volunteers from all over the region: St. Croix County, Trempealeau County, Monroe County, Winona County, staff members from the Republican Party of Wisconsin, and several from here in La Crosse County. I’m so proud to have been a part of such a great team of dedicated, hard-working and professional people.

The best part was all the normal people who came to attend the event. I call them normal people because they are the ones working day after day at their jobs just trying to put food on the table for their families and worship God on Sundays. I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to chat with many of them today as they waited in a very long line (at one point it stretched from the La Crosse Center all the way down 2nd St. and nearly all around Riverside park - just over ½ a mile of people in line to see President Trump!)

For those of us volunteering, it was heartbreaking at about 4:30pm when we had to inform nearly 3000 people still waiting in line that the Center was full and we had to stop letting people into the facility. There just weren’t any seats left and the authorities were adamant we had to stay within the occupancy of the facility.

God bless all you wonderful people who took the news graciously and were as joyful about the turnout as we were. I pray you get another opportunity in the future but next time make sure you show up very early. The previous night when we were helping to setup the seating arrangements there were already a handful of people waiting in line. That was just over 24 hours before the event. In my experience, for a Trump event you have to show up at least 3-hours before the doors open and that’s still taking some risk depending on the size of the facility.

Reports indicate that there were roughly 8000 people in the arena and another 3000 outside who weren't able to get in after all the seats were taken. What a blessing! Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to ask a question but if I had, here is what I wanted to know:

Mr. President,
I work for the USCCA - the US Concealed Carry Association - We're passionate about protecting and training firearms owners all across the country. We get calls from thousands of our members who are sharing with us their struggle to make ends meet due to the inflation caused by Democrat policies. My own family grocery budget has nearly doubled in just the last 10-months for example. In addition to unleashing American energy production, what steps will you take to reduce inflation and help protect working taxpayers?

I’ll close by just saying “THANK YOU” to President Trump for his resilience today because I know there was a lot on his schedule in addition to having to fly around to avoid crazy weather. Also a “THANK YOU” to my friends, some who I go to church with, who were able to speak with President Trump tonight. I am so proud of you for showing him how terrific the people are here.

I’ll drop some of the footage I was able to capture down below. Take care and God bless.

There are 2 Comments

What is very notable about these people is that they are there to promote what they and Trump can do for America! Harris supporters are looking for what America can do for them. Oh sure they want to keep abortion easy and often, but it sure is nice when someone else will pay off their loans.

Many of you may have seen this famous quote, but it divides modern democrats from the rest of us, and here it is.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
― Alexander Fraser Tytler

Thanks Chris! We were there together. I was wearing my very easily noticed MAGA Cheese Head so I volunteered to be at the end of the ever-growing line to direct people into the end of that line. You are correct that @8000 got in and @ 3000 didn't. However, as I was always at the end and directing the bends and curves and twists to take to keep the line in line, I believe that had that line which was not single file, as you can imagine, but as wide at spots, 5-6 people wide. Even with that, I believe it would have easily been over a mile long. 2 miles if actually single file. I had hopes of getting my MAGA Cheese Head signed and being able to ask this question:


Would you provide a recap of the State of the Union for, We the People, during your presidency regarding these four (4) areas: the border and illegal immigration, energy independence, inflation, and American foreign policy and the State of the Union for, We the People in these four (4) areas under the Biden/Harris administration and, the difference in these four (4) areas in another Trump presidency verses a Harris/Walz administration?

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