Wisconsin's Third Congressional District

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Wisconsin's Third Congressional District

August 31, 2024 - 08:45
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As I write this it is 8/26/24, the 3rd Anniversary of the loss of 13 service members during the withdrawal from Afghanistan.  I was just coming from a breakfast, honoring veterans, at the Dorset Valley Schoolhouse restaurant.  (It is a free breakfast - in honor of those who have served.  It is held on the last Monday of the month, unless that day is a national holiday, then it is on Tuesday. ) It was 10:40 and I was listening to Sirius'  Patriot Radio. Representative Derrick Van Orden was speaking about the crisis line and urging veterans who are troubled to dial 988.  988 is a source of help for veterans who may be finding a 'permanent solution to a temporary problem' to be inviting.

Sometimes Van Orden gets a bad rap for his behavior.  He admitted that he had undergone counseling and treatment.  He said, here he is a congressman, and he's not afraid to admit that he needed help.  Put yourself in his shoes, he has been deployed many times in very stressful situations.   Every so often, something will strike him as being well off the map. Things that he did not risk his life for; to protect us in the USA.   He has been called down for yelling at people who were testifying and a committee setting.  He has been called down for banning books. ( books that were not sexually age appropriate. )  His experiences have bred a low tolerance for *B*og *S*cum. (Thank you, Pat Mulvaney.)

"Cooke was once a small business owner and nonprofit leader. She was also appointed to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation by Gov. Tony Evers. But rising costs forced Cooke to close her business after her last bid." (Read Here)  Right, that's what is needed in the 3rd district, one who cannot continue a business, (Read Here) or make the obvious connection.

What we do need is someone who will work to get us lower food and fuel prices.  What we do need is someone who has been a friend to farmers.  What we don't need is - -  another Democrat who will vote to continue the policies that have gotten us into this mess.  I have heard Secretary Mayorkas testify that the border is secure.  What I don't understand is: why no one has ever asked him to define and give examples of a Secure Border. Why is there a housing shortage/high rent?  Maybe, 10 million +, immigrants would have something to do with that.  (9.7 million at the. Southwest border alone. (Read Here) and, - - not counting Biden's direct flights into the heartland.)

Be like me - vote early or absentee.   Or, if you wait for November 5 to vote for Van Orden, please include Hovde and Trump.  Us old folks are worried about our grandchildren and great grandchildren.

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