

Merry Christmas Wisconsin!

On behalf of my Wisconsin Assembly Republican colleagues, I would like to say Merry Christmas to you and your family, and wish you a very Happy New Year!

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Building Back Broke

The second most expensive part of President Biden's Build Back Better was an opportunity for central states to subsidize high tax states.

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How Economies Work

Kellogg’s workers are on strike for higher wages and benefits. Bernie Sanders told the striking workers it was good for them to stand up to corporate greed.

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Voting to Reject Biden's Vaccine Mandate

As president-elect, Biden said on vaccines, "I don't think it should be mandatory, I wouldn't demand it be mandatory."

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Governor Draws New Maps in Secret

This week Governor Evers submitted new maps to the Wisconsin Supreme Court as part of the case involving the redistricting process in Wisconsin (Johnson v. Wisconsin Elections Commission).

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The Stench of Political Corruption in Local Municipalities

I’d like to draw your attention to the attachment

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Holmen School Disctrict Ignores Sensible Common Ground - Approves the Distribution of Pornography in School Library

The Holmen School Board on Monday voted to keep what many consider to be pornographic material on the shelves of the Holmen Middle School library for all children to view without restrictions.

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Victory for the American People

We hope you are having a happy and healthy Holiday Season as we prepare to celebrate Christmas and ring in the New Year.

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