See, I told you so!

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See, I told you so!

November 09, 2024 - 11:23
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The title of this article is in honor of Rush Limbaugh who wrote an incredibly impactful book entitled, 'See, I Told You So!' many years ago. I know it was during my college years because I remember going to the armory on the University of Minnesota campus and listening to my Marine and Navy instructors at Navy ROTC as they debated Rush's radio show during lunch.

Staff Sergeant Lee and Major Pain (no, that wasn't his real name, just what we students called him ) would argue over the nuances of what Rush was talking about and they would always agree that Rush was right. That was my very first experience listening to Rush and it grew into a happy habit of listening to talk radio instead of FM rock and country music stations.

It's the title of that book that comes to mind now after Republicans TROUNCED the Democrats and all their allies in the media during this election cycle. See, we told you so! We told you the American people would see through all the lies about us.

Many talking heads in the media and within the Marxist-Democrat mafia called us Nazis. They impeached Trump twice for asinine allegations then trumped up even more B.S. charges and tried to put him in jail. They called him Hitler. They glossed over two assassination attempts that they, themselves, incited through irresponsible rhetoric. They called us garbage. They called us Fascists. They forced us to inject experimental chemicals into our bodies. Closed our businesses. Closed our schools. Closed our CHURCHES. To every one of the Marxists who lied to us for the last 4 years... I forgive you... but this is the last time I will offer this kind of forgiveness.

The Marxists in the Democrat mafia including the media must return to respecting the Constitution and the principles that founded this great nation because if they continue their reign of terror using lawfare and crooked judges to poison our legal system, if they continue to corrupt our culture, poison the minds of our children and mutilate their bodies all in the name of their woke cult ideology, then this is the last time I'm forgiving them.

From now on there will be retribution for every violation they commit against We the People. They will be held accountable for their violations of our Liberty. Is that a threat? No, it is a Re-Declaration of Independence from the kind of tyranny the Marxists have enacted on our nation. We the People spoke loudly and clearly in this election cycle. We the People gave Republicans a clear mandate to fix what the Marxist-Democrats have broken so they better shape up immediately because we will start demanding accountability. We're not going to put up with their fake, bumper sticker B.S. any longer.

A dear friend encouraged me to paraphrase from the Declaration of Indpendence in a brilliant way of re-Declaring our independence from these tyrannical forces but I think the wording from our founders fits perfectly in this situation considering the type of government that Biden and Harris brought with them.

Here's what Thomas Jefferson wrote:

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government."

My friends, We the People performed a historic duty in this election when we "threw off" the Marxist form of government brought to us by the tyrants Biden & Harris and the Democrat Mafia including the dinosaur media.

The patriotic Americans at will continue reporting on the latest news about President Trump's agenda and how we can implement it here in the Coulee Region. Thousands of you contributed to this historic moment by casting a ballot. Stay engaged at and help us build even more momentum on behalf of the common sense principles that make our nation so great. President Trump only won Wisconsin by 29,000 votes and thousands of you here in the Coulee Region were a part of that victory. Thank you! I can't wait to see what we can accomplish together in the future.

There are 2 Comments

Kamala Harris alone should not get all the credit - or blame - for the past decade or more of the destructive democrats destroying the America where we grew up. She was just the proverbial straw that broke the camels back: she and her mentor "Sleepy Joe". But the excellent slogan from one of the conservative campaign ads sums it up "Harris broke it. Trump will fix it".

With the Trump victory, "the times they are a changing" but it will take all of us keeping our foot on the pedal!

Biden and the Democrats have bullied us for close to four years well actually four decades. It seems the bully tactics have caught with them, and they want to be nice or pretend to be nice. Being called deplorable garbage is the limit, and I am done being nice, they will need to change, not me, I am going to savor being deplorable garbage for a while.

This nice talk about getting along with the people who have been kicking me in the head for years is why we have the mess we have. If they want to stop forcing their non-constitutional agenda on me, that will help, but they get no forgiveness from me. I am done being so passive, I have standards and it is time they accept them, and stop their assault on me and the young people of America.

It will take me a long time to forgive them for billing me and the next generation to pay college loans that they said they would pay but did not. Biden stole the money from me and the next generation and we did not even get the education. Many in the next generation won't be able to afford to go to college, because they will be paying off someone else's college debt.

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