

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

May the time spent with family and friends during the Thanksgiving holiday be as sweet as your pumpkin pie.

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Democrats’ massive socialist spending spree

For months now we’ve been filling you in on the Democrats’ massive socialist spending spree, which includes everything from amnesty for illegal aliens, to the largest welfare increase in history, to adding 87,000 additional IRS agents.

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Kyle Rittenhouse was the victim

The jury has ruled and they prove that Kyle Rittenhouse was the victim:

First, he was victimized by a mob of rioting, arsonists, rapists, thugs who forced him to defend his life.

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Appeal to Traditional Democrats

Examining the internals from the Virginia race, it becomes clear that traditional Democrats rejected the policies of the Marxist Democrats and defeated Mcauliffe.

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Not Your Father's Democrat Party

John Kennedy was a remarkable person; he took the bull by the horns and inspired America. I was 11 years old when he was assassinated and remember that day like it was yesterday.

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The ‘Education Governor’ in trouble

Gov. Tony Evers is in trouble.

The latest Marquette Law School poll not only shows Evers’ plummeting poll numbers, it offers a pretty clear indicator of how the far left Democrat got here.

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Happy Veteran's Day

There is no statement – nothing I can say – that is louder or more powerful than the oath taken by the men and women who serve in our Armed Forces.

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The American People Need to See This

President Biden's border crisis is a scandal of gigantic proportions that is being ignored by the administration and the mainstream media.

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