

Democrats History of Disenfranchising Voters

In May of 2014, at the beginning of the 2014-2016 La Crosse County board term, Democrats Tara Johnson and Steve Doyle took measures to disenfranchise 4000 residents in La Crosse and dictated who would represent District 9 on La Crosse County Board

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I suppose you're supporting Hitler, huh?

That’s what he said to me as I was staffing the La Crosse GOP booth at the county fair. I could tell by the look on his face that he had something to say as he walked by our table so I did what I do for everyone.

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angry, happy, and fearful

I'm a man that's less than 14 years from being 100. I am, at the same time, - angry, happy, and fearful.

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This is a message from Donald Trump

I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania.

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Restoring integrity in federal elections

I recently voted in support of H.R. 8281 – the SAVE Act to amend the National Voter Registration Act and require states to obtain documentary proof of U.S.

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Where Are 85,000 Migrant Children?

The horrors occurring because of President Biden’s open border policy should come as a shock to no one.

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BREAKING: 48% - 48%

New polling shows our campaign to defeat Tammy Baldwin TIED at 48% - 48%

This news comes just days before the RNC Convention right here in Wisconsin where all eyes will be on our campaign!

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Wisconsin Democrats Want to Destroy American Democracy

Found within the Wisconsin Democrat Party platform document is a resolution innocently named, "National Popular Vote Compact'' but the title is the only innocent thing about this sinister plot to destroy American democracy through the elimination

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