angry, happy, and fearful

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angry, happy, and fearful

July 18, 2024 - 06:03
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I'm a man that's less than 14 years from being 100. I am, at the same time, - angry, happy, and fearful.

I am angry with the Democratic Party and the news media. They have both been lying to me about our president; a lie that could not be sustained after the debate. This is an example of collusion between media and the Democrats. We have a president that is not capable of doing the job. (A good number of Democrats agree by trying to dump him from the 2024 election ticket.) The president ran on a platform of bringing Americans together. He has not done that. Immediately when he became president he wrote scores of executive orders that harmed the country. Those orders opened up the border and caused the price of energy to soar. All in an effort to gain a carbon free system and to maintain the number of congressional representatives - from population losing states under Democrats. While, at the same time, ignoring all of the worldwide pollution caused by other countries. (Right now, we're being exposed to a lot of smoke from Canada. I never hear about the carbon pollution by their "2024 wildfires".)

I'm angry about inflation. Inflation is another form of governmental taxation. It's somewhat similar to a sales tax. It's a cost that's added to the product; not because the product is better, but because the money is not worth what it used to be Food and shelter are things that low and moderate income people have to have. Food and shelter takes up too much of their after withholding income. (Plus, immigrants are taking their jobs.) Inflation on a national scale is a dangerous to the country. Inflation will generate conditions where power hungry people find an excuse for tyranny - - most recently in Venezuela.

I'm happy because I'm a union man. I had a 62 year marriage after a four year courtship (marriage delayed for a college degree). That union brought many good things into my life. I'm a member of the Union of States. That union brought many good things into my life. I'm a retired, dues paid, Carpenter Union member. That union brought many good things into my life. The Carpenters Union is unique in that while we strike against the contractors for better conditions, we have the freedom to access managerial positions for the contractors and to promote their profits. This is not a DEI conditioned circumstance.

I am fearful because we have a president who cannot answer the 3 am phone call. Both the president and the vice president. have shown the capability of making nonsensical statements. This was apparent at the debate and with the interview by George Stephanopoulos ("I don't think he can serve four more years.") and in the comments on the “passage of time” by the vice president. They have been busy attacking our Constitution. Fifteen months into the administration, they introduced a Disinformation Governance Board; in direct confrontation of the 1st Amendment. Most recently, they've not only tried to keep their opponent off the ballot, but they have tried to put that same opponent in jail. They want to increase the size of the Supreme Court so that they can get decisions they like. (Biden ignored a SCOTUS ruling against paying - buying votes - student loans.) That they want to eliminate the Electoral College and have a democratic government. ( An election by popular vote so that the country would be run by the most populous states. Those most populous states are all run by Democrats.) If you check history, you'll find that democratic countries do not survive very long. We have been lucky that we have a Republic. And, it's been stable for nearly 250 years because of the 3 counter balancing divisions of our government: administrative legislative and judicial.

Stop the chaos. Americans know what a woman is. There should be no reason for Riley Gains to be fighting the administration. There should be no thoughts of existing laws that will punish parents for not allowing their child to be medicated or mutilated. What we're talking about here are delusions and they should be handled with mental professionals. There are college demonstrations favoring an Official Terrorist Organization and antisemitism. Therefore, the USA needs an election that is Jimmy Carter 2.0 and Walter Mondale 2.0. ( Electoral College: 90 – 10% and 97½ – 2½ %) Maybe then, we can go another 30 years (hopefully 60) without all of the silliness.

There is 1 Comment

As one of my good friends says "I miss America"

Well, I think and hope we are on the path to a reconstituted America, she is coming back, and it ain't any too soon! Thanks for your contribution!

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