Educational Freedom Upholds Parents’ Rights and Allows Students to Thrive

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Educational Freedom Upholds Parents’ Rights and Allows Students to Thrive

January 28, 2023 - 06:58
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With so many schools across the country engaging in activism and radical indoctrination, school choice is more important than ever. In Wisconsin, the Madison Metropolitan School District is introducing this week a “gender identity and sexual orientation curriculum.” Students will learn about “different identities, which include gender identity, sex assigned at birth, and sexual orientation,” according to an email sent to parents last week.

Parents must be able to protect their children from these dangerous lies and ideas, and school choice allows them to do so.

This week is National School Choice week—an opportunity to highlight the importance of educational freedom and bring awareness to the educational options that families have in our state. It is a parent’s right to choose whichever schooling option best serves their child's needs. This educational freedom also helps students thrive.

Wisconsin offers the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, the Racine Parental Choice Program and the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program—all of which are part of what most people call the “school voucher” option. These programs allow income-qualified families to send their children to private schools—including Christian schools—participating in Choice (voucher) Programs. Parents can apply to be part of a school choice program. Registration begins in February 1 for Wisconsin’s Choice Programs and runs through April 20, 2023.

Wisconsin also has one of the best homeschooling laws in the country. Parents are not burdened by overbearing restrictions as they are in some states. There are no required teacher qualifications or assessments.

Read more about school choice HERE.

There is 1 Comment

To sum up a massive concern here, our schools allow every deviant behavior as acceptable, and our young people already have so many challenges, they don't need to wonder what is normal. And if you don't like that, I don't care, keep your habits to yourself.

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