You Are Being Lied To

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You Are Being Lied To

September 14, 2024 - 11:29
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That's right, I said it: You Are Being Lied To!

The destructively diabolical Democrats are lying to you all day, every day about Project 2025. Don't be naive enough to fall for their lies.

Their ads proclaim that the ideas in Project 2025 are a dangerous threat to democracy but they never give you specific examples do they? I took the time to read through the document for myself and here's what I found. If Democrats truly believe these ideas will threaten our democracy then they sure have funny definitions for 'threaten' and 'democracy.' **

  • Page 44 of the document outlines that elites in our nation like illegal immigration because it suppresses wages on the people they hire to take care of their properties like housekeepers and landscapers. Someone might even make an argument that it is these elitist snobs who are supporting modern day slavery by suppressing the wages of those professions.
  • Page 166 describes the recommendation to merge all the various immigration-related agencies into a single agency so they can pool their resources, reduce duplicative services, and focus on a simplified mission of enforcing our immigration laws and smoothing out the workflow for legal immigration and naturalization.
  • Page 183 describes the recommendation for Congress to authorize state and local law enforcement to participate in immigration and border security actions. I am frankly dumbfounded that this is even a thing. State and local law enforcement have a very real interest in protecting the communities where they live and serve. What in the hell is the current administration doing by blocking law enforcement from protecting their own communities? Why won't Democrats let law enforcement ENFORCE LAWS?

Those are just 3 bullet points out of many. I highly recommend that you default to having a healthy scepticism for every ad or speech that uses the words 'Project 2025.' You can safely assume it is a lie until they provide detailed evidence of their claims. Demand details from them like which page they are referring to whenever they make their claims about it. Democrats and the media are lying to you about this. Don't fall for it. Go read it for yourself at You can also use AI tools to help you summarize all the information within this large document.

** Speaking of funny definitions by Democrats: they call it a 'threat to democracy' when conservatives wish to protect our communities by enforcing immigration laws yet they call it 'democratic' to ELIMINATE the Electoral College system: one of the main provisions created at America's founding that helps bridge the divide between the urban centers and rural communities of our nation. They, in fact and in practice, are the ones flirting with policies that will destroy our American democracy. Furthermore, every Republican on the ballot in the Fall election was voted on in the primary election. How many primary voters chose Kamala Harris to be on the Fall ballot? That's right, ZERO. The masters of the Democrat Party just got together in their smoke filled room and decided it was going to be her. Yet another reason why I refuse to call them the Democratic Party because there is nothing democratic about the Marxist tyrants who make up that mafia organization.

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The bottom line is to look at what Trump did in the last term and imagine the great accomplishments of the second term if we can get the Marxist of his back.

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