Will La Crosse Actually Start Enforcing Their Laws?

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Will La Crosse Actually Start Enforcing Their Laws?

August 10, 2024 - 07:17
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Words, words, words.

All I see are words but I am not convinced that Mayor Mitch Reynolds is committed to enforcing any laws. HIs bleeding heart approach has been a disaster for our region and I have no confidence in his ability to do the right thing and enforce these laws. He'll probably just direct the police chief to ignore them again and offer even more incentives for homeless people to continue to flock here.

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Even California is in the middle of total elimination of homeless people on the streets, so this is going to be interesting. The homeless have issues, drugs, mental illness, bad habits, and the inability to practice discipline. Helping them is a great idea, but we need to give them a 90-day rehab and they must work to resolve all of their issues or they need to be institutionalized in a low-cost facility. No cigarettes, drugs, or soda, and make them work if possible.

Our grandchildren must not be paying a fee for our unwillingness to play hardball with these people. I have no idea what percentage of these people can survive after rehab, but those that can need to, and we must be harsh on those who are lazy or spend all their money on drugs and cigarettes, we owe it to the people who pay for this mess we have.

One last comment, we have a similar issue with the food banks, we have all kinds of people who are becoming dependent on the food bank, and these people need to be weaned also.

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