Vote for Brad Schimel

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Vote for Brad Schimel

March 12, 2025 - 21:58
Posted in:

This Wisconsin Supreme Court election is pivotal! The current Supreme Court has taken a sharp LEFT turn by overturning the last Supreme Court ruling on district boundaries leaving many rural residents underrepresented. If Crawford gets seated, our conservative representatives will go up in smoke. We’ll no longer have a voice if our only representatives come from cities larger than 20,000 people! Crawford has made it clear that, if elected, she will rubber stamp Democrats’ radical agenda to gerrymander Wisconsin’s U.S. congressional districts, taking away our representation. We need to have a Supreme Court who will recognize unbiased maps that represent us with legislators that live in OUR area and espouse OUR values and OUR concerns. We need Brad Schimel on the Supreme Court.

As a prosecutor & attorney general, Brad Schimel was tough on violent offenders, cleaned up backlogged assault cases, promoted election integrity, enforced immigration laws, cracked down on drugs, sex traffickers, murderers, and dangerous criminals. He is endorsed by over 80 WI sheriffs and law enforcement associations, including Monroe County Sheriff, Wes Revels.

With millions of out of state Democrat dollars overflowing into the state of Wisconsin, it is no wonder we are being bombarded by attack ads against Brad Schimel. Do not be misled.

We need Brad Schimel in the WI Supreme Court who will follow the Constitution, protect our communities, and will uphold the rule of law without a partisan bias. His opponent will not. I urge you to Vote for Brad Schimel beginning March 18th.

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