Underly Resorting to Lies and Bullying to Cover Up Her Own Failures

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Underly Resorting to Lies and Bullying to Cover Up Her Own Failures

March 15, 2025 - 14:29
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What exactly is Jill Underly hiding from? We know she’s not campaigning after she declined three debates proposed by Marquette, WISN, and the Wisconsin Press Club, and we know she isn’t leading DPI since she lowered standards to hide how poorly our students are doing in the classroom. So what’s Underly doing with all that free time? Slinging mud and emulating schoolyard bullies to keep her job.

In fact, instead of talking about the issues, she’s spent her “campaign” sharing inflammatory and false posts directed at the Kinser campaign. Just take a look:

Re-Upping Debunked Attacks: Underly’s team is so desperate to find something to attack Brittany Kinser with that they’ve resorted to re-upping a debunked blog post about a respected non-profit public charter school network. The blog story from 2016 about a school in California was riddled with errors, and a detailed response from the network’s co-founder and CEO was issued.

Questionable Memes: Underly’s team stooped to a new low by posting a childish meme on social media. Not only is it strange that a grown adult running to lead our children would compare their opponent to a dog, but they’re also putting false words in her mouth.

Who’s Really Hiding: While Underly attempts to rewrite history with claims that Kinser is ducking debates with her, the reality is much more simple. Kinser opted against participating in a forum organized by a group that’s openly hostile to her candidacy. Meanwhile, Underly (who promised to participate in a debate after she ducked the WisPolitics forum during the primary) has declined not one, not two, but THREE debates organized by non-partisan, well-respected organizations.

REALITY CHECK: With Governor Evers’s focus on promoting mental health in our kids’ classrooms, the last thing our students need is a bully leading the charge. Wisconsintes deserve SO MUCH BETTER than Jill Underly’s mud-slinging tactics while our kids remain unprepared for life after high school.

Brittany Kinser continues to share her message of restoring high standards to ensure every student can read, write, and do math well so they have the opportunity to go to college, get a meaningful job, or learn a trade. We encourage Jill Underly to grow up and show up. Our kids, their parents, and our districts deserve real solutions and answers, not mud slinging akin to a fifth grade bully.

Read how Brittany Kinser responded to the attacks by Jill Underly HERE

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