Spend our money on fulfilling the obligations of your charter

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Spend our money on fulfilling the obligations of your charter

August 15, 2024 - 14:43
Posted in:

Dear County Board supervisors,

Please consider dropping references to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Those words can be replaced with saying that you want to give proper attention and respect to every county resident.

If you are creating any programs that are based on race, then those are racist programs. Race should not be considered in a government's programming. 

The best way to show respect for your residents is to spend our money on fulfilling the obligations of your charter. Spend money on necessities like roads, broadband ETC. Obviously, you need to treat people with respect. However, it's disrespectful to citizens to spend money on talking about behavior that is obvious, while taking away money from needed infrastructure expenses like the million you took away from the road fund.

So, please focus your vision on more than just a sentence on infrastructure.

There is 1 Comment

it is time that local governments take a look at their Constitutional obligations and responsibilities. These local officials are way out of their jurisdiction. When it comes to affordable housing, stop wasting money on stupid programs, that drive up our taxes and make affordable housing unaffordable.

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