Nice. Maybe I will take you up on a beverage during one of my next trips to the La Crosse area.
RE: Dept of Gutting Everything. When I lived in AZ, I spoke with my friend Mark about an image I had, of me, Paul Bunyan like, swinging a double-edged ax through the forest of government bureaucracies, felling them left and right without a wasted motion. Mark replied, "And I wll be right beside you, keeping your ax sharp."
That was more than 30 yrs ago, and the bureaucries have grown like mushrooms. The waste, fraud and inefficiencies, not to mention corruption is overwhelming. I might need to clone myself in this effort.
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Spealeasu DPGE
Nice. Maybe I will take you up on a beverage during one of my next trips to the La Crosse area.
RE: Dept of Gutting Everything. When I lived in AZ, I spoke with my friend Mark about an image I had, of me, Paul Bunyan like, swinging a double-edged ax through the forest of government bureaucracies, felling them left and right without a wasted motion. Mark replied, "And I wll be right beside you, keeping your ax sharp."
That was more than 30 yrs ago, and the bureaucries have grown like mushrooms. The waste, fraud and inefficiencies, not to mention corruption is overwhelming. I might need to clone myself in this effort.
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