Reminiscing about President Trump's Visit

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Reminiscing about President Trump's Visit

October 19, 2024 - 07:54
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It was a Thursday afternoon, President Trump was coming to town!. Our parents picked us up from school early at 1:00. Doors opened at 4:00 so we got permission to leave school a little early that day so we could get in line for the town hall. My brothers and sister were very excited about what it was going to be like to attend a Trump Rally. Our snack bags were packed with things to do in line. Our mom said we would have to wait in line for a while, maybe a couple of hours. We were worried about where we were going to park and how long we would have to wait, but we knew it would be worth the wait to see President Trump, even if it was from way up high in the arena.

We drove to downtown LaCrosse, found parking and began our hunt to find the end of the line. Our Grandma and Grandpa had been in line most of the day and were farther up the line. As we made our way to the end of the line these 2 workers for Trump named Justin and Zoe approached us. They were super nice. We asked them where the end of the line was, and they responded, “Why go to the end when we can take you to the front?” We followed them up to the entrance of the center. We didn’t know what to expect. My parents chatted them up on the walk. We asked them why they were doing this to which they said,

“We know the importance of attending these events and we want to give your family an experience of a lifetime.”

Following them changed everything! They took us to the front of the line, and after picking up Grandma and Grandpa, we waited outside the front doors. Instead of being at the end of the line…we were going to be the very first people into the center! While we waited outside these 2 security guards who were absolutely jacked came out and had to settle a scuffle. Security was tight. After about 10 minutes of waiting they let us in and after walking through some metal detectors, they escorted us into the arena. We received stickers and felt like VIP! We followed Justin and Zoe right to the front row in the center of the stage. They told us to enjoy ourselves and let them know if we needed anything. We thanked them.

My family was in shock. What had just happened? We were just gifted the best seats in the house. After a few pictures we settled in for the wait. While we waited we played card games and made shadow puppets to pass the time. Some of the games we played were charades, mobile head bands and rock paper scissors. On top of that we took pictures in front of a 40 ft high flag. We were able to greet other local politicians and see up close how the stage, lights, cameras, etc. are all set for the rally. It was so interesting to observe the secret service. We were even able to talk to them. The music was pumping the entire time. It was so much fun.

With about an hour left people started to come on stage. Those were the people that would ask the questions. As the time got closer to Trump’s arrival, the stadium became electric. First, the interviewer came out and said a little intro. Then, President Trump came out and I thought the roof was going to blow off. It was so loud. After everyone calmed down he talked about a bunch of topics such as, the middle east, the border, and abortion. It was great.

Trump had to leave a little early. We thought it might be because of the impending weather. Boy, does he really know how to hype up a crowd though. Yet, also it was cool to see that he is a person just like you and me. As he left, they played God Bless America and the YMCA. He even pointed at my little sister, Elowyn and it felt like he was dancing with my entire family. This was really a cool experience and one like none other. We are so grateful for the thought and kindness of these two strangers who had a love for their country and people. They provided us with an experience of a lifetime. We are humbled and grateful. - Timothy and William

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