Ready to cross party lines…

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Ready to cross party lines…

September 04, 2024 - 20:56
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We’ve always known that calling an Article V convention to limit federal power is the one thing that the majority of Americans agree on, but now we have scientific evidence.

Let me back up for a moment. Pennsylvania is currently considering the COS Resolution.

After organizing a surge at the capitol where COS supporters from across the state flooded the legislature to meet one on one with state legislators, we passed out of committee in the Senate. Since then, our whip counts indicate that we have the votes to pass the pending Senate floor vote.

But in the House, Democrats control the legislature with a 102-101 majority. That means it will require securing true bipartisan support to pass the COS Resolution in the PA House.

We’ve always hoped to see this non-partisan Constitutional solution to rein in DC and return power to the states receive support from legislators regardless of party affiliation. And we’re seeing that begin to happen in stronger and stronger numbers. In fact, our lead sponsor in the PA House is a Democrat. Surrounded by Republican co-sponsors, he is helping spearhead our efforts to garner the necessary votes to pass in the divided PA House.

To help give him the scientific evidence he needs to win over his fellow legislators, we worked with the most highly trusted bipartisan pollster in the state to determine where voters in PA stand on Convention of States.

The results — from both sides of the aisle — were absolutely astounding.

So much so that we are planning to launch the same survey in other key states where bipartisan support will be essential.

We want to make sure that our supporters have access to these fascinating findings as well, so we’ve compiled the PA polling results in a free downloadable document for you here. I expect this resource to be an especially helpful tool for anyone living in a blue or purple state.

We’ve highlighted the stat that really blew us away in a red box so that it’s easy to see.

Feel free to reply back and let our team know if you have any questions about these results or would like to see us roll out a similar project in your state.

With so many legislators up for re-election, we believe that these polling statistics may be the key to winning over even more state legislators from both parties.

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