Primary Recap

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Primary Recap

August 17, 2024 - 06:55
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The big news of Tuesday’s Primary Election Day may have been the big losses of the two referendum questions involving Constitutional amendments. Both lost with more than 57% voting no. Many saw the writing on the wall and were not surprised at the referenda defeat, while a few others remained optimistic. There seemed to be little effort to encourage a vote “for” while a well-organized and well financed effort encouraged citizens to vote “no”.

The proposed amendments wanted to return the power of the purse to the Legislature where it began when Wisconsin became a state in 1848. Wisconsin is not a monarchy and this would have allowed “we the people” to speak through their legislators. Constitutional amendments are created by both houses of the legislature passing the same bill in two consecutive sessions and then presented to the people for their vote. This vote is what happened Tuesday.

The responsibility for this defeat is at the feet of Assembly and the Senate leadership. While they successfully accomplished the legislative requirement, they failed miserably at informing and educating the voting public. This is reminiscent of the State Treasurer Elimination amendment that failed about six or seven years ago. I have defended these leaders in the past as they have passed a considerable amount of legislation only to have it vetoed by Governor Evers. But, I digress...

Eric Hovde’s success in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate over two poorly funded, understaffed, and inexperienced candidates is hardly newsworthy. Hovde does, however, need to keep charging forward to include a few more visits to Wisconsin’s Coulee Region.

The Democratic Primary for Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District might be the big news of the day! Twelve-year incumbent State Representative Katrina Shankland appeared favored to win the Congressional nomination but she was beaten with an 8% margin by newcomer Rebecca Cooke. This long-term legislative experience as the major resume item is significant as US Senator Tammy Baldwin (12 year incumbent) is being challenged by outsider Eric Hovde; State Representative Steve Doyle (94th , 13 year incumbent) is being challenged by newcomer Ryan Heubsch; and State Representative Jill Billings (95th , 13 year incumbent) is being challenged by Monroe County Board Chairman Cedric Schnitzler. And, State Senator Brad Pfaff (32nd ) is a career bureaucrat being challenged by Trempealeau County Board member Stacey Klein. Long-term incumbency may no longer be a free pass to election or reelection.

This is further exemplified across the state in the 8th Congressional District primary for an open seat after Congressman Gallagher suddenly resigned last April. Former gas station owner and Trump endorsed Tony Wied won the GOP primary over former State Senator and LT Governor candidate Roger Roth and the current State Senator Andre Jacque.

Makes me wonder if the Coulee Region really can turn red in November? Remember this is the first election since the current maps drawn by liberal Governor Tony Evers were approved by the liberal-controlled State Supreme Court earlier this year. These maps are dramatically different. Only 31% of citizens in the “old” 70th District are in the “new” 70th District. The City of La Crosse used to be entirely in the 95th District but in the “new map" the city is split between three districts. While the liberals created and approved the maps, their efforts may backfire!

These maps caused incumbents to compete against incumbents. A article pointed out “In legislative races, four GOP incumbents lost in their primaries against other legislators.” Since there were four contests where GOP incumbents apparently faced GOP incumbents, that sentence could have been written a week ago! And, there were three Democratic incumbents that also lost to other Democratic incumbents, but the article failed to mention this. Another example of our poor quality American journalism –or perhaps education in general – was noted in a Superior Telegram article re-published by yahoo/news which stated “Incumbent candidate Angie Sapik, of Lake Nebagamon, is not seeking reelection.” If she is not seeking reelection, how can she be a candidate?

Take what the media reports with a grain of salt, dig into the details of the recent primary and especially the past few years, and learn from the history – both current and longer ago. Get involved, help the conservative candidates with efforts like putting up signs or writing letters; tell your friends, family, and workplace associates; and make sure to vote! Better yet, make sure some like-minded patriotic citizens vote for the conservatives as well!

There are 3 Comments

Republicans and other Constitutional people are naive to this new democrat machine, they are diligent when it comes to defeating freedom and intelligent government.

I am quite certain we can turn the area Red, especially if we could get legal voting in the College districts, we need to get college students to vote where the address on their driver's license shows they live. The idea they vote where they are visiting for training seriously distorts the election results.

One more fascinating point I would like to make. Why is it that 90 percent of the media is left-wing protectionism, but 90 percent of successful talk radio is rightwing? We have got to figure this out!

As with the race for Daniel Kelly to become the next judge in the WI Supreme Court, the GOP party failed miserably in doing their job of getting the message out. It is all lip service from the GOP. You hear them whine and complain when they lose, but their efforts to win are grossly lacking. Is there really a GOP party or is it just Rhino's posing as GOP. Wisconsin is sadly lost to the radical left and there is little hope of it ever coming back to the Right.

Get involved, help the conservative candidates with efforts like putting up signs or writing letters; tell your friends, family, and workplace associates; and make sure to vote! Better yet, make sure some like-minded patriotic citizens vote for the conservatives as well!

Vote Early! Get 'er done!. Simple, easy, no lines, convenient. Bank Your Vote!

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