On to November

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On to November

August 13, 2022 - 21:52
Posted in:

Friends, the results are in, and I’m proud to announce that we won the Republican primary for Governor.

I wanted to reach out and send you a message thanking you for your amazing support throughout this contentious primary fight.

When I decided to run, I knew that the people of our state had to be the focal point of this campaign.

That’s why instead of making promises, I’ve spent countless hours traveling across the state, talking with voters, and writing detailed blueprints to fix the issues affecting Wisconsinites.

We’ve got a long road ahead of us and a tough fight against Tony Evers, but I know we can take back Wisconsin with your grassroots support.

I hope you’ll join me in this fight to take back Wisconsin.

Let’s get to work!

There is 1 Comment

I like the idea of electing a Governor who does not come in as a polished politician, he has his own ideas, new ideas, and not the same old same old. Albert Einstein said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Well, this opportunity we have now, is our chance to clean up Madison!

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