Just stop it!!!

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Just stop it!!!

August 04, 2024 - 11:25
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Democrats are at it again with their fear mongering ads this election cycle. They must think that we are just plain stupid. Well, some of us are just plain stupid and will buy into whatever rhetoric they spew to sway voters to vote for them. Ever since Roe v Wade was overturned, they have said that we now have a nationwide ban on abortions. That is not true!

Too bad the fact checkers don’t say anything about that. With the the Supreme Court reversing the Roe v Wade case, it turns that issue back to the individual states to administer. In our local congressional race we are seeing a candidate parade a local mom out talking about how she found out her 20 week ultra sound showed her baby would not survive and that she could not have had her abortion due to a nationwide ban. The Cooke campaign is using emotions to create fear of something that is not going to happen.

Wisconsin’s law allows for abortions under those circumstances. Tara Johnson is using the same tactics in her race to unseat Loren Oldenburg. Then we have our U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin making statements against her republican opponent, Eric Hovde on various issues ranging from his residency to his out of context comments on nursing homes, farmers and abortion. Democrats are very, very good at taking sound bites, cherry picking sentences to twist that into a spun message they want to tell.

I experienced this first hand in my bid to unseat Rep Doyle in the 2020 assembly race. You have to wonder why these representatives and senators attack their opponents instead of running on their accomplishments? Instead of highlighting their “stellar” accomplishments, they resort to KGB style propaganda by repeatedly distorting the truth and telling lies knowing full well that if these distortions and lies are repeated often enough they will be believed by the people they wish to control. Kind of makes you wonder if the democrat party is really for democracy at all?

All you have to do is look at the last couple of elections on the state and federal level to see just how much choice the voter had when it came to choosing who was going to be on the ballot. Joe Biden only got on the 2020 ballot when every other candidate above him mysteriously dropped out. Now we have him dropping out only to have the party once again choosing who they want on the ballot, not the voters. The same thing happened with Senator Ron Johnson’s opponent, Mandela Barnes when every other challenger above him dropped out.

If we really want “hope and change” that makes us great again, it’s not with the democrat party. Their hope and change is to make us like Venezuela.

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