Joy Buchman for School Board

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Joy Buchman for School Board

March 08, 2025 - 09:36
Posted in:

I'm publishing this to keep you informed about our community election and provide information that you might need as you talk to our La Crosse neighbors.

Thank you for getting involved!

For your calandar:
Vote for 2 School Board candidates: Joy Buchman and Adam Hoffer

  • Vote April 1st at your Ward voting location see:
    Better Yet! Vote Early in person on March 18th at City Hall La Crosse voters
    **** For other early in person dates/locations see special calendar: CLICK HERE

Must Listen !!!
Interview of Joy Buchman with commentary by Coulee Conservatives: Reading and Math Proficiency!!!

Interview Adam Hoffer: Responsible Budget and Buildings

Coulee Conservatives !!!! Podcast, local news and elections info!
On Spotify
Facebook (follow!)

Additional information:

  • Vote for 2 School Board candidates: Joy Buchman and Adam Hoffer
    (3 votes are possible but you can just mark 2)

  • Yes on voter ID
  • Schimel and Kinser YES!
  • City Board/County Board/Mayor: ? see who is on your ballot:
  • Vote early!!! Weather can be bad - suddenly in Wisconsin
    In the Feb. Primary: less than 2000 voters turned out (out of 30,000)

  • Remind everyone that Absentee Ballots get mailed out from municipal clerks a week from today, March 11th - which means VOTING BEGINS BEFORE NEXT WEEKEND. Plan campaigns accordingly.
  • Get peoples': name, phone/text, email, address so we can remind them next time! And we can text and email information about candidates/dates, and get them connected to coulee conservatives!!

I am getting all my neighbors on the email/text list!!! {I can collect the info for now, send to me please}

There is 1 Comment

The best way to protect our children is to put people on the board who will vote for a good education and an acceptable school environment.

Vote for 2 School Board candidates: Joy Buchman and Adam Hoffer
(3 votes are possible, but you can just mark 2)
Yes on voter ID
Schimel and Kinser YES!
City Board/County Board/Mayor: ? see who is on your ballot:
Vote early!!! The weather can be bad - suddenly in Wisconsin
In the Feb. Primary, less than 2000 voters turned out (out of 30,000)
Remind everyone that Absentee Ballots get mailed out from municipal clerks a week from today, March 11th - which means VOTING BEGINS BEFORE NEXT WEEKEND. Plan campaigns accordingly.

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