Hearing from Third District Law Enforcement Officers

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Hearing from Third District Law Enforcement Officers

September 13, 2024 - 16:44
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Our law enforcement officers are some of the most brave and selfless members of our communities. They are the first to respond to crises, often risking their own lives to protect others.

I want to ensure that our law enforcement officers have their voices heard, which is why I recently hosted a roundtable in West Salem with 26 law enforcement officers from across the Third District. During the roundtable, we discussed many challenges facing their respective communities like crime rates, fentanyl, and funding and resource availability concerns. I also updated officers on the work I’m doing in Congress to support law enforcement officers and make sure they have the tools they need to keep us safe.

I’ve been working in Washington, D.C. to provide for our men and women in blue:

  • Cosponsored the Sergeant Steve Owen Defending Our Defenders Act, which establishes criminal offenses involving the murder of federal, state, or local law enforcement officers.
  • Voted in support of the Improving Law Enforcement Officer Safety and Wellness Through Data Act to require the Department of Justice to report on targeted attacks on law enforcement officers, the feasibility of incorporating such attacks into existing crime reporting systems, and the mental health resources that are available to law enforcement officers.
  • Voted in support of the Halt All Lethal Trafficking (HALT) of Fentanyl Act, which permanently places fentanyl-related substances as a class into schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.
  • Cosponsored the National Law Enforcement Officers Remembrance, Support, and Community Outreach Act to direct the Department of Justice to establish a National Law Enforcement Officers Remembrance, Support, and Community Outreach Program and award a grant under the program to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund for expenses associated with the program.

I will always stand with our nation’s police officers. While we will never be able to thank them enough for all that they do to protect us, I will continue working with my colleagues in Congress to support our policemen and policewoman so they can best serve their communities.

There is 1 Comment

We have got to realize that we give law enforcement such a difficult job and force them to make split-second life decisions. If you don't like and approve of law enforcement, you need to work to understand their perspective. They are human, they make mistakes, just like you. They do far more good for society than the rare issue you often hear about. Please give them the respect they need and deserve if you deal with them.

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