Donald Trump in the Eyes of an 11-Year Old

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Donald Trump in the Eyes of an 11-Year Old

September 04, 2024 - 21:02
Posted in:

Are you one of the millions of people who would have voted for Donald Trump if you were 18? Relationships can shape who we become. Donald Trump has shaped my future. He is a great leader, is a good person, and has inspired me to be a good citizen of our country.

Donald Trump is a great leader because he was guiding the country in the correct direction financially. He also built a wall to keep immigrants out. He made sure that American rights are first.

Donald Trump is a good person because he is generous and he didn't accept a paycheck when he was in office. He also loves his family and he respects our military and supports them.

Donald Trump inspires me to be a leader not a follower. Trump also inspires me to get an education. He inspires me to be a productive person in my lifetime.

Important world leaders in my life can shape my future just as Donald Trump has for me.

There is 1 Comment

But you missed a big reason Trump is a great leader.. Above all else, he stands behind the United States Constitution, and realizes it is the top reason America has been great, and that is what is needed to Make America Great Again!

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