Dem Minnesota Governor - VP Pick - Hates Civil Rights

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Dem Minnesota Governor - VP Pick - Hates Civil Rights

August 09, 2024 - 06:44
Posted in:
  • Signed a bill that destroys 4th Amendment due process
  • Signed a bill that restricts your 2nd Amendment right to self defense
  • Pledged to implement policies to go door-to-door taking your self defense tools
  • Proposes efforts to eliminate your 1st Amendment right to speak about ideas that are contrary to his own
  • Compares evil, socialist, authoritarian pinciples with 'neighborliness'
  • Signed a bill that eliminates parents' rights to know about their childrens health issues

This is the most radical Marxist campaign that Democrats have ever supported and not even 1 vote was cast in a primary election for them.

For a political party that has 'Democratic' in their name they sure have a funny way of embracing totalitarian ideas.

I miss America

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America has clearly failed at teaching our young people history, especially the history of socialism and Marxism. I guess it seems that the government can extort money from hardworking productive people and give it to people who are less productive.

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher told us “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” I know that, but this so-called Democratic team does not, or does not care that we are killing the golden goose. The modern Democrat should be ashamed of what that party has slithered into.

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