Coulee Conservatives MUST Communicate!
Coulee conservatives must communicate! But, what does that mean? Word by word, coulee is a region in western Wisconsin defined as La Crosse county and all of Monroe and Vernon counties. One reference had “Trempealeau County often included” while another stated that parts of Trempealeau and Jackson counties were included.
Conservative, according to Wikipedia, indicates traditional customs and values such as organized religion, military, property rights, and rule of law. I would suggest terms such as smaller government and “of the people, by the people, and for the people” are added to the discussion. Might want to include the Constitution and the Bill of Rights just to emphasize our attitude and aptitude!
Communication is simply a process by which information is exchanged; or a transmission of information. Communication is often considered two-way meaning I sent the information and you received it (and understood it).
So to impact government, “we the people” must communicate with the elected leaders that impact our lives. I would suggest starting with state and federal legislators for they represent us in making new laws and investigating when we believe that wrongs have been done by the government against us – both as an individual citizen and as the population in general. The legislative branch is one of the three branches in our form of government; the judicial and the executive being the other two. This may sound basic to most, but a significant number of people could not identify the three branches of government in a recent report.
Most legislators will direct their efforts to their own constituents. If you are not a constituent, then explain in the first sentence why it is important the legislator hears your concerns. The usual response is something that looks like a form letter. I remember receiving such a letter from a Congressman and I felt I could have received the very same letter no matter my concerns on a number of topics. “Thank you for your letter. I will consider your viewpoint when a vote happens.”
All letters do not need to be demanding or degrading; it is okay to encourage a positive outcome or even express appreciation! Don’t let partisan pettiness interfere with patriotic performance of government service.
Communication to a legislator should be limited to one topic and clearly state the critical information. And, state issues should be directed to your State Senator and/or your State Representative while federal issues need to be directed to your US Senator or Congressman. Think “who, what, where, when, and why” when preparing the correspondence. Make sure you include a way for the legislator’s staff to reply or even ask for more information. If your communication is something that suggests a reply, give some time for their action but don’t hesitate to write a follow-up letter with the same questions!
Then, for the long term, keep track of this communication including the reply (or lack thereof). When the next election comes, you can then share first-hand experience both if this legislator listens to his (or her) constituents and where they stand on issues important to you. Remember, they are your representatives!
Look at a map of the counties in the Coulee Region and overlay a map of the Assembly Districts in western Wisconsin, there is a great similarity between the Coulee Region and the 70th, 94th, 95th, and 96th Assembly Districts. The 94th, 95th, and 96th Assembly Districts comprise the 32nd State Senate District and the 70th Assembly District is in the 24th State Senate District. Most of the Coulee Region is in the 3rd Congressional District but some is in the 7th Congressional District. The chart has contact information for all the Coulee Region legislators – both federal and state.
Another way of communicating with the state legislators is by providing testimony at hearings. The Legislative Joint Finance Committee will soon be having hearings around the state as they prepare the next proposed budget. All bills before the Assembly or State Senate also have open hearings in Madison.
Finally, these legislators all have periodic newsletters (normally e-mailed) that often address key actions before the legislative body and their activities on behalf of their constituents. Contact them and ask to be included on the mailing list.
It is our right, and I believe our responsibility, to communicate with our legislators. If we don’t, how do they know what is on our mind? Remember, they work for “we the people”! Rest assured, citizens in Milwaukee, Dane, and other populated counties speak their mind. Conservative citizens of the Coulee Region need to be heard too!
There is 1 Comment
Another Great Service By Webster!
This is so very important, and the only thing I feel we need to add, is that America got the mess we have, by not being vocal, we just let the loudmouths set the direction, and we can see how that worked.
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