Big Tech Corruption

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Big Tech Corruption

September 28, 2024 - 19:36
Posted in:

I wanted to find a good JD Vance quote to open the newsletter, so I did a Bing search on "JD Vance Quote." Every single site that came up was rabidly anti-Vance. They also had a habit of taking quotes out of context.

So I did the same with "Kamala Harris Quote." Every single website that came up painted our no-primary Democratic nominee as a modern day Socrates, combined with Nelson Mandela and Ghandi. I actually had to stop and find some antacids.

Then, for fun, the same for both Joe Biden and Tim Walz. Surprise!! There was nearly nothing on Biden's word salads and more of how amazing Joe Biden is. , Tim Walz was described repeatedly as "inspirational."

This election isn't against Harris/Walz, or against Democrats at various levels. It's against the entire United States elite, to include the media, big tech, corporate America, and the government bureaucracy.


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