Since Biden took office, Americans are paying an extra $1,000 per month to maintain their standard of living.

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Since Biden took office, Americans are paying an extra $1,000 per month to maintain their standard of living.

August 31, 2024 - 12:05
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There are 3 Comments

First, a hearty thank you to Sen Johnson for all that he does!
Then, we need the inflation since January 21, 2021 routinely reported not the annual inflation rate as the misleading main street media continually spout. And, inflation computation needs to include all costs including food and energy. Someone needs to explain that inflation is compounded, and this year's "moderate" inflation is on top of the disastrous inflation of the previous couple of years. What happened in those years is "Bidenomics" plain and simple!

I was hoping to pay down my bills, but now I am paying off someone else's loans, that they had agreed to pay, Kamala says it is Bidenomics, and we love it!

Actually, for our family, we're paying an extra over $2000 a month. We have six children. Our utility bills went up and so did our property taxes.

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