

Happy Birthday President Reagan!

Patriotic Americans around the nation celebrated the birthday of President Ronald Reagan on February 6, 2017. In La Crosse, approximately a dozen friends gathered at Freighthouse to participate in a tradition that started several years ago.

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La Crosse County Workshop Regarding PRAT

Supervisors of the La Crosse County Board held a workshop led by Board President, Tara Johnson, to discuss the Premiere Resort Area Tax that they are considering as a way to pay for infrastructure expenses.

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The Melting Pot

America has always been a melting pot of ideas. Notice I stated "ideas" and not race. While there are many racial differences within our borders it is our ideas that truly differentiate us.

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Inauguration Comms Intercept

I spent the day watching the inaugural events and monitoring communications over police scanner feeds. Here are some of the communications that I was able to intercept.

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Discussing the Inauguration

With the upcoming inauguration of President Trump, I wanted to take a trip down memory lane to the 2005 inauguration that I attended.

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Did you watch the Presidential Inauguration?

Here at we're wondering how many of you watched the activities at the Presidential Inauguration.

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Chinese Hacking

Ever since we launched the re-designed web site we have been defending ourselves from hacking attempts. This is the world we live in today.

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