

Less than 9 weeks from August 9

It may seem surprising — but we are LESS THAN 9 WEEKS out from Primary Day.

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Get it together, Evers

I am fed up with the senseless and pathetic Evers administration.

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The Disastrous Biden Economy

This week the House of Representatives reconvened for legislative activity after a two-week recess. I also held a Telephone Town Hall with my friend and colleague Rep.

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Coulee Conservatives Contributors in the News

Two of contributors were recently making news and yet you probably won’t read about it anywhere but here.

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City of La Crosse to Vote on Restricting Religious Freedom

The La Crosse City Council will vote on a new ordinance at their full meeting this Thursday, June 9, at 6:00 p.m. This ordinance will make conversion therapy illegal in the city of La Crosse to anyone under the age of 18 years old.

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Sick of Politics Corrupting Law and Order

I decided to run for attorney general because Madison-insiders choose politics over public safety.

Kenosha burned because of politics.

Milwaukee has become a murder capitol due to politics.

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Buy a Boy a Baseball

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My plan for fixing Biden’s America

We’ve all suffered under Biden's economy with no end or solution in sight. It’s clear Democrats are unwilling to sacrifice their agendas no matter how painful their policies have been for Americans.

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