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Electing Judges to the Supreme & Appeals Courts

Remember learning about the three branches of government way back in your school days? There is the Legislative Branch that is elected by the people to make the laws.

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The Democrat Party has a dilemma

Dilemma: "choice between alternatives equally undesirable", Webster's New encyclopedia of Dictionaries, 1986. The Democrat Party has a dilemma.

It is presented in the person of 'Bernie'.

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University of Wisconsin La Crosse Bias lead to violation of Wisconsin Election law

There have been many stories coming out of UW-La Crosse within the last few years. "Trump" written on a side walk triggering the "Hate Response Team." Chancellor Gow paying a porn star to speak on campus.

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Retired Army Colonel Steve Toft Reminds Voters of Ron Kinds Failures to Protect Veterans

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What is a liberal?

The headlines on the La Crosse Tribune said “Liberal Dallet Wins”. How do they know she is a liberal? What is a liberal?

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Allegations against Judge Moore

The sexual assault charges against Alabama’s Judge Roy Moore, candidate for the US Senate, are extremely serious and must be considered. However, isn’t Judge Moore “innocent until proven guilty”?

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Congressman Misleads Voters About Repeal and Replace

While addressing a question from a La Crosse constituent, Congressman Ron Kind (D-La Crosse) misled everyone in attendance by speaking only to the repeal portion of plans that Republicans are putting together.

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