UPDATE: CouleeConservatives.com Re-Files Formal Complaint with Wisconsin Ethics Commission for Violations by Steve Doyle

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UPDATE: CouleeConservatives.com Re-Files Formal Complaint with Wisconsin Ethics Commission for Violations by Steve Doyle

October 16, 2024 - 06:38
Posted in:

I just re-submitted a formal complaint to the Wisconsin Ethics Commission after research revealed potentially thousands of violations of ethics laws by state Representative Steve Doyle tied to his work as a private attorney providing legal services directly to state lobbying organizations, something that state ethics law prohibits.

Commission staff notified me that the original complaint exceeded their 10-page limit and we were asked to re-submit it after condensing it down. The evidence is so overwhelming and extensive that Representative Steve Doyle violated state ethics laws that we exceeded the page limitations in order to document them all.

In every year of his legislative tenure, Doyle has served as attorney of record in numerous court cases representing clients who employ lobbyists. Every legislator receives training, so they understand the laws that prohibit them from taking so much as a cup of coffee from a lobby group, much less a paycheck, but case after case after case found that Doyle went to court serving as lawyer for the same folks who want to influence his vote in Madison.

Employment arrangements with a lobbying group would seem to violate Wisconsin’s ethics and lobby laws meant to prevent corruption among elected officials. These laws clearly state that ‘no state public official may solicit or accept from any person, directly or indirectly, anything of value if it could reasonably be expected to influence the state public official’s vote, official actions or judgment, or could reasonably be considered as a reward for any official action or inaction on the part of the state public official.’ These statutes are backed by decades of opinions from enforcement agencies which have advised legislators that the law does not allow employment arrangements where a legislator receives payment, directly or indirectly, for work they do specifically for lobby groups.

Public records provide ample evidence that Doyle has been doing work for multiple lobbying principals. I am filing this formal complaint so the Ethics Commission launches an investigation into what appears to be Doyle’s repeated violations of these laws. Our research showed thousands of cases across multiple counties where Doyle served as attorney for lobby groups

----- BEGIN WEC RESPONSE FROM 10/11/2024 -----
Commission staff has conducted a preliminary review of your complaint as required by Wis. Admin. Code ETH § 21.03(2). Upon review, your complaint exceeds the 10-page limit imposed by Wis. Admin. Code ETH § 21.03(1) and upon consulting with our Administrator, he indicated that no pre-approval to exceed this limit was granted. As such, your complaint is being dismissed pursuant to Wis. Admin. Code ETH § 21.03(2). If you wish, you may re-file your complaint after reducing it down to 10 pages or less.

I would also note that upon review, it appeared that Exhibits A-K and Exhibit O document activity from more than three years ago. Pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 19.49(2)(f)1., the Commission cannot act upon any complaint made more than three years after the violation is alleged to have occurred. Additionally, I noted that Exhibits M and N appear to document Rep. Doyle representing clients other than Gundersen and who do not appear to be lobbying principals themselves, so those exhibits would not support your allegations without further factual representations as to their association with a registered lobbying principal.

There are 3 Comments

My guess is that Steve Doyle fits right in.

The Democrats have weaponized the Department of Justice. Obama's Internal Revenue Service was weaponized against conservative & Christian organizations. Former US Senator Menedaz (D-NJ) is no longer a Senator due to ethical reasons. Wisconsin Governor Evers vetoes laws legally passed by the Legislature because he must think he is a monarch. And, Doyle's alleged despicable doings surprise you why?

Think before you vote!

That reply from the WEC is priceless. Did Steve Doyle help pass the law that restricts holding him and other corrupt colleagues accountable for violations older than 3-years? If Steve Doyle was capable of these violations then what other corrupt practices could he be participating in? If he is willing to 'go there' then he's probably going everywhere.

It seems they are protecting the Good Old Boys through bureaucratic stalling channels. This is not their mission, but it looks like we have one more weaponized department. If it were not, we would have a thankyou letter saying thanks for your information, we are giving this a top priority, 24/7

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