No Tax on Tips

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No Tax on Tips

August 31, 2024 - 12:50
Posted in:

From the age of 16 until I joined the U.S. Navy, I supported myself by working in a restaurant, so I personally understand how important tips are for folks who rely on them as their main source of income. In Wisconsin, many tipped workers make $2.33/hour, meaning that the more of their tips they can take home, the better suited they will be to provide for themselves and their families.

That is why I’m very proud to have introduced the No Tax on Tips Act. The No Tax on Tips Act will eliminate taxes on tipped wages, allowing Americans to keep more of their hard-earned dollars in their pockets. Specifically, this bill will allow tipped taxpayers to claim a 100% above-the-line dedication at filing for tipped wages.

During a time where the Biden-Harris administration’s economic policies have sent inflation soaring, it’s that much more important that Congress does everything we can to increase Americans’ take home-pay.

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