Elections Have Consequences

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Elections Have Consequences

March 15, 2025 - 14:11
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Shortly after he was inaugurated as the 44th President, Barrack Obama uttered the comment “Elections have consequences”. That was readily apparent not only at President Trump’s recent speech to Congress but in the seven weeks since President Trump took office. The disruptive Democrats, more partisan than patriotic, are not only disgraceful but could be considered disloyal to the Constitution and were certainly disrespectful to the President of the United States.

It wasn’t always this way. There was a time when after an election legislative bodies put aside partisan politics and worked for the common good of their constituents. I can remember when the Republican President Ronald Reagan and the Democrat Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill had a warm and cordial working relationship. A few years later the Democrat President Bill Clinton and the Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich had a similar working relationship. Sure, these political leaders had their differences and often disagreed. But the disruptive, disgraceful, disloyal, and disrespectful actions of the Democrat legislators have not been seen like this.

To be fair, when the House of Representatives voted to censure a particular disruptive Representative there were ten Democrats that voted with the majority.

Now we have a vital non-partisan Spring Election coming on April 1st. Non-partisan is defined as free from political party affiliation or designation. Nevertheless, the major political parties are very involved. The Supreme Court election has attracted national attention and many significant donations from outside the state. One reason is the liberal activist judge with the questionable advertising being supported by the Democrats; and her already vocal opinions on potential divisive court cases. The other major election is for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction where the incumbent, also supported by the Democrats, has a dismal record of poor management, poor communications, and lowering test standards. Under her leadership, graduation rates may appear high but the real question is “Can all the graduates read and do math?”

In both cases, there is an excellent alternative. My recommendation is the former Republican State Attorney General Brad Schimel for Supreme Court and the proven educational leader Brittany Kinser for State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Kinser, considered a Blue Dog Democrat, is a collaborative leader that will restore high standards and champion parental engagement. Both of these elections are critical to the future of Wisconsin and I believe Schimel and Kinser are the proven leaders that Wisconsin needs now. Please give them your vote on (or before) April 1st.

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