

Rep Ron Kind’s Leadership (or lack thereof)

There was campaign chatter in 2018 that Rep Ron Kind was an unknown and insignificant Congressman just like when he was a freshman Congressman twenty-plus years earlier.

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Wisconsin Budget

A budget for all of Wisconsin was approved by the Joint Committee on Finance this week.

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Saluting our heroes is far from partisan

On April 9, I had the tremendous honor to address a joint session of the Wisconsin Legislature to recognize those members of the Wisconsin National Guard who participated in the Southwest border mission as our Hometown Heroes.

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Council President Diane Wulf Leads Charge to Dismantle Technology Committee

Here is the letter that I sent to Onalaska Council President Diane Wulf after she led the charge to dismantle the Technology Committee:

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Protecting Life

This week, I took a stand for life. Assembly Republicans passed four comprehensive, common sense pro-life bills that should have received bipartisan support.

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It seems I must be getting younger!

“The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom.”

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Foxconn in Wisconsin

Since the November election, I have been concerned that Governor Tony Evers would try to undermine the state’s contract with Foxconn Technology Group.

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University of Wisconsin La Crosse Bias lead to violation of Wisconsin Election law

There have been many stories coming out of UW-La Crosse within the last few years. "Trump" written on a side walk triggering the "Hate Response Team." Chancellor Gow paying a porn star to speak on campus.

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