

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation
Transcript of President George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation from October 3, 1789.

By the President of the United States of America—

A Proclamation

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Always Stay Humble and Kind

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Representative Lloyd Smucker (Pennsylvania) has ideas for improving the American economy

Representative Lloyd Smucker ran a regional construction company for 25 years. He knows how to balance a budget, spend responsibly, and keep his business running smoothly.

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Preparing Candidates, Activists, and Elected Leaders

I am proud and happy to announce my return to the 1848 Project! My love for this state is steadfast, and I remain 100% committed to seeing Wisconsin succeed.

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Promises made. Promises kept.

It’s official - Nancy Pelosi has been fired.

We’ve been working to remove Pelosi for years, and today, we finally succeeded.

It’s one thing I know to be true of our party - When promises are made, promises are kept.

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Questioning the FBI

The FBI tried to paint the revelations in the Hunter Biden laptop as "Russian disinformation," interfering in the 2020 election to a far greater extent than anything Russia or China ever could have hoped to accomplish.

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Restoring Function and Fiscal Sanity

The Wall Street Journal published my op-ed outlining the steps Republicans must take to rest

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Thank You Wisconsin

We made history in Wisconsin and it wouldn’t have been possible without you.

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